Our Vision
The vision of Future Earth is of a sustainable and equitable world for all, where societal decisions are informed by openly-accessible and shared knowledge.
Our Mission
Future Earth’s mission is to advance research in support of transformations to global sustainability.
Our Purpose
Future Earth convenes researchers and scholars from all parts of the world, across different societal and academic sectors, and across the natural, social, and human sciences. Future Earth initiates and supports international collaboration between these researchers and stakeholders to identify and generate the integrated knowledge needed for successful transformations towards societies that provide good and fair lives for all within a stable and resilient Earth system. Future Earth uses a rigorous transdisciplinary research and systems thinking approach throughout its work in which basic and applied research are combined to generate actionable, solution-oriented knowledge to inform and guide decisions by policy makers and practitioners at all levels of governance.
Future Earth is a network of scientists, researchers, and innovators designed to provide the knowledge needed to support transformations towards sustainability. Our focus on systems-based approaches seeks to deepen our understanding of complex Earth systems and human dynamics across different disciplines. We use this understanding to underpin evidence-based policies and strategies for sustainable development.
Our Strategy
Future Earth develops the knowledge and tools that government, communities, and companies need to meet the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. By understanding connections among environmental, social and economic systems, Future Earth works to facilitate research and innovation, build and mobilize networks and shape the narrative, turning knowledge into action.
Facilitate research and innovation
Our 27 Global Research Networks explore interactions among humans and the planet’s land, air, water and biodiversity. We develop and partner on initiatives that experiment with technology, data, media, and new ideas.
Build and mobilize networks
Our networks link policy, business and civil leaders with researchers to address themes like health, urbanization, natural assets and more.
Shape the narrative
We help incorporate the latest science into global decision-making and engage in conversations on sustainability solutions. See our 10 New Insights in Climate Science and award-winning Anthropocene Magazine for more.